A Simple Suggestion ![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
What is tomorrow when you have today..........What is today when you have now.........The one that has the courage to stand on the present leaves his fears of the past and the desires for his future.........For him the truth emerges from the faith he has in his own strength.........
1. You always know the truth....You are always aware of it....You do not know only when you in fear begin to believe that what you know is not true...
2. Whatever you come to know when in fear is what you need to forget....forget and move on toward peace.... toward contentment....
3. There are so many questions you ask....but I tell you the answer is only one for all.... That answer shall come too... but you must wait for the question to pass.... for the moment of fear to pass....
4. The foolish one tries to drive away the fly that flies hither and tither around him. The more he moves in anxiety the more the fly perches itself on him... The wise one stays aware of his Self.... his inner contentment... his peace... The fly comes... and leaves.......the wise one knows not the fears...the anxieties...the need to fight and defend.... Let the fly of fear come and go.... You have to remain still...completely still in the strength of the Self....
What is tomorrow when you have today....What is today when you have now....The one that stands upon the step of now, to that one truth reveals itself and sets him free even of the now...